Horizon Photography Summit
Nov. 2, 3, 4, 2018
Newark, Delaware
Details Coming Soon

Press Page

Horizon Photography Workshops Presents

Major Photo Event In Wilmington

Twelve leading professional photographers will lecture at the Fifth Annual Horizon Photography [Summit] on the weekend of March 5 & 6. The event will include classes on: Travel, Landscapes, Photoshop, Lighting, Nighttime and Underwater Photography, Black & White, Creating Photo Books, Creativity and more. The Summit will be held at the University of Delaware (Arsht Hall, Wilmington campus), concurrent with the 83rd Annual Wilmington International Exhibition of Photography. On Friday, March 4—the day preceding the weekend Summit—workshops in Creativity (with renowned photographer Tony Sweet) and Photoshop Elements and Lightroom will be held in nearby Chesapeake City, MD.

The Summit is produced by Horizon Photography Workshops. Said Horizon Director Steve Gottlieb: "We're excited about bringing together in one place such an exceptional caliber of instructors. Holding this event alongside the exciting Wilmington International makes it even more special for those who love photography." Location: Arsht Hall, U. of Delaware, 2700 Pennsylvania Ave., Wilmington
Dates: March 4, 5, 6 (Friday, Saturday & Sunday)
  $179 (Sat & Sun); $109 (one day) for registration before 1/29/16.
  After 1/29: $230 (Sat & Sun); $130 (one day). Summit Registration Page

Registrations are limited. Parking at Arsht Hall is free.

To register, go to Summit Registration Page.

More Information:
  See Summit FAQs
  Steve Gottlieb, Director, Horizon Photography Workshops
  410 885-2433 • info@horizonworkshops.com

You can download the above press release and photos as a zip file.